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My Favourite Children's Books

I’ve always loved reading because it’s a way of losing yourself in a completely different
world. Here are some old favourites of mine (in age order) that you might know or like to
read yourself.

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson

A little monkey looks for Mum and meets all the creatures in the jungle before finally
reaching her comforting arms. I loved reading this over and over with my youngest daughter.

The Frog and Toad books by Arnold Lobel

The ups and downs of old friends, a frog and a toad, who are two very different characters.
Simply written, quietly funny and so very wise.

The Magic Faraway Tree books by Enid Blyton

Who could forget Saucepan Man, Moon Face and the terrifying Dame Slap? As well as all
the incredible magical lands that appeared at the top of the Faraway Tree.

The Twits by Roald Dahl

The story of Mr and Mrs Twit, a dreadful couple who hate everything and everybody and
who play the most horrible tricks on each other. Awful, hilarious and with a very satisfying

Marianne Dreams by Catherine Storr

A surreal survival story about two children who meet in a dream world of doodles and have
to work out their escape. This book gave me a lifelong fear of standing stones (they move
when you’re not looking!)

The Whispering Knights by Penelope Lively

A thrilling tale in which a group of kids try to outwit the evil witch of legend, Morgan Le Fay,
who happens to have turned up in their village posing as a malevolent businesswoman.

The Owl Service by Alan Garner

Welsh mythology and the supernatural collide in this tale of teenagers fated to re-enact a
sinister ancient legend. Very creepy and very clever.

Angus, Thongs and Full-frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison

One of the funniest teen books I’ve ever read. The tale of Georgia, her terrifying cat Angus
and her various crushes on boys is a spot-on portrayal of school life and girl friendships.

There are many more. To be continued …

Amanda Li 

Children's Author and Creative Consultant

Designed by Isabelle Yates. 

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